Registering Your Vehicle in California
Here at South Jersey Auto Tags we help auto dealers in California quickly get the registrations, tags, and titles they need in a timely manner to ensure that the sales process goes off without a hitch. We invite you to contact us or fill out our online quote form for fast service.
For Fast Service:
What You Need
- California Certificate of Title or an Application for Duplicate or Transfer of Title (if the title is missing).
- The signature(s) of seller(s) and lienholder (if any).
- The signature(s) of buyer(s).
- Vehicle/Vessel Transfer and Reassignment (REG 262) form
- Bill of Sale
- Valid Driver’s License
- Valid Insurance
You May Also Need:
- A completed Vehicle/Vessel Transfer and Reassignment form.
- A Statement of Facts form.
- Smog certification.
- Vehicle Emission System Statement (SMOG) form.
- A Declaration of Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW)/Combined Gross Vehicle Weight (CGW) form (if you are purchasing a commercial vehicle).
Learn More
VIN Verification and Smog inspections to be completed on vehicles in the state of California.
Originals must accompany all DMV paperwork
Your vehicle does not need a smog inspection if your:
- Gasoline-powered vehicle is a 1975 year model or older (This includes motorcycles and trailers.)
- Diesel-powered vehicle is a 1997 and older year model OR with a Gross Vehicle Weight of more than 14,000 pounds.
- Powered by natural gas and weighs more than 14,000 pounds.
- An electric vehicle.
- Gasoline-powered and less than eight model-years old.