Registering Your Vehicle in Illinois
Here at South Jersey Auto Tags we help auto dealers in Illinois quickly get the registrations, tags, and titles they need in a timely manner to ensure that the sales process goes off without a hitch. We invite you to contact us or fill out our online quote form for fast service.
For Fast Service:
Mandatory Documentation with all transactions
- Application for title & registration
- Make sure the vehicle information on the title is the same as on the application.
- Verify that the title is properly assigned from the seller to the buyer and that the buyer’s name in the assignment area is the same as on the application.
- Be sure that the odometer reading is certified properly on the back of the title and that the date of sale is indicated.
- Check the vehicle identification number on the title with the number on the dash or door of the vehicle.
- Check if vehicle use tax must be paid. Tax must be paid on all vehicle sales between individuals. The amount of tax is based on the model year of the vehicle if the selling price is less than $15,000 or on the selling price if it is $15,000 or more.
- Indicate the number of the Temporary Registration Permit (TRP), if issued.
Vehicles purchased from an Illinois Dealership
- Sales Tax Transaction Return (form ST-556 Tax Form). Vehicles purchased from an Illinois dealer are subject to vehicle sales tax.
- Application for title and registration
- The surrender document
- Power of Attorney
- Bill of Sale
Also needed
- Bill of sale
- Copy of all buyer/co-buyers front and back of license
- South Jersey Auto Tags Power of Attorney
- Proof of insurance
Power of Attorney
Learn More
Use the Application for Vehicle Transaction(s) (VSD 190) for any plate-related transaction, i.e. title and plates, plates only, sticker only, title and transfer, transfer of plates only, corrected registration ID card or duplicate registration ID card.
Use the Application for Vehicle Transaction(s) (VSD 190) for any transaction for title without plates, i.e. title only (if the vehicle will not be operated); duplicate title; junking certificate, corrected title or salvage certificate.
For a corrected registration ID and corrected title, you must fill an Application for Vehicle Transaction(s) (VSD 190).
If you recently purchased and have not titled or registered the vehicle you are bringing into Illinois, you must complete a tax form. If purchased from a dealer, you must complete Tax Form RUT-25. If purchased from an individual, you must complete Tax Form RUT-50.
If the surrendered title state is listed below and the vehicle was registered to a county that was declared a federal disaster area due to a hurricane, you are required to file form VSD 694.
Puerto Rico, if the date of sale or purchase is on or after July 29, 2020.
North Carolina, if the date of sale or purchase is on or after July 31, 2020.
Louisiana, if the date of sale or purchase is on or after August 22, 2020.
Alabama, if the date of sale or purchase is on or after September 14, 2020.
Florida, if the date of sale or purchase is on or after September 14, 2020.